Welcome to Da Silva Academy
Rustenburg, South Africa
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Learning at Da Silva
Learning Programmes
As a Independent school, Da Silva Academy Primary follows the South African Curriculum Assessment Policy (CAPS) system of education.
Subjects include:
English (First Language)
Afrikaans (Second Language)
Social Sciences (History and Geography)
Natural Science
Life Orientation (LO)
Music and Drama
Economic and Management Science (EMS) – Grade 7 only
Technology – Grade 7 only
Computer classesn as well as Robotics and Coding classes.
From Grades 1-3, learners will have a main class teacher, with breakaways for specialist subjects such as Art, Music and Drama, and Physical Education.
From Grades 4-7, children are assigned to a register teacher, and then move around the school during periods to subject specialists.
Physical Education
We firmly believe that a healthy body creates a healthy mind. Physical Education forms part of the school’s curriculum and learners from Grades RR-7 participate in this activity.